Tuesday 1 April 2014

A Bit of Baking

With bananas in the fruit bowl ripening way too fast, I thought it time for a bit of baking! And from one of my favourite recipe books came a simple banana slice. Iced with lemon icing, it is just right with a cuppa for morning tea.


  1. Yum! Makes me want to bake banana bread I haven't made it for so long. I made a full-size version of this recipe recently, if you feel up to trying it one day: http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/2231/little+lemon+cheesecakes The lemon curd is very easy and fun to make. It would even be nice with blueberry muffins, perhaps.

    1. Thanks for the lemon cheesecake recipe. It looks delicious so I think I will be making it very soon!
